John Rentoul Profile picture
Chief Political Commentator, The Independent; visiting professor, King’s College London. Author with Jon Davis, Heroes or Villains? The Blair Govt Reconsidered

Oct 27, 2021, 9 tweets

Soon-to-be-forgotten #PMQs about to kick off

Smattering more masks on Tory side

Leader of the opposition is isolating, Speaker says, so Ed Miliband is called

Rachel Reeves will do the Budget response

Ed M has a go at PM for “partisanship” because he mentioned the GMB union

But then Ed M says UK only G7 country to cut the aid budget – PM: “I thought we weren’t going to have any partisan points”

Don't think Ed M made full use of his Mastermind special subject, climate change; PM defended his corner robustly enough

Mind you, he didn't have much time to prepare: Starmer tested +ve just before #PMQs

Rough guess 40-50% of Tories wearing masks

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