Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 27, 2021, 14 tweets

Flippathon Thread 1/

Are we entering the #Flippathon Olympics with the Trumpomobsters? There are early signs of ratty movement among the populus of Rattus Repulsus (the common Repulsican) Let the Games Begin!

Flippathon Thread 2/

Three BIG catalysts for the start of Flippathon Season 2021. First, we have the Jan 6th Committee making criminal referral of Bannon to DOJ. (Of COURSE Bannon will be tried. Do not listen to idiot pundits). Minimum 1 month, max 1 year in prison

[am smiling]

Flippathon Thread 3/

The second catalyst is the Ballad of Lev Parnas. Every Trumpomobster has an 'insurance file' including recordings. Lev LOST his gamble. Now many understand, flip fast or become levparnassed

Flippathon Thread 4/

Third catalyst is Weisselberg criminal trial. Trump number 2 bookkeeper-dude, McConney testified to Grand Jury under limited immunity. Trump exec Calamari has been cooperating. Someone has handed a bunch of files to prosecutors

Flippathon Thread 5/

November is when Weisselberg 1 Manhattan DA tax fraud trial Grand Jury should be finished. They will indict at least Don Jr, Eric & Ivanka. It is likely Ivanka has already flipped or flips then

Hurry Hitler Jugend kids! Last to flip was sired by Gary Busey

Flippathon Thread 6/

We learned from Rolling Stone that staffers from White House and some in Congress are now singing (flipped). This includes Katrina Pierson. CNN found 5 White House staffers. There will be MANY more

Flippathon Thread 7/

A number of usual suspects are silent, nearly vanished. Some are squeling like pigs. My read is, that those squealing have TRIED to get plea bargain, and have become levparnassed (those silent are cooperating or still negotiating their deal)

Flippathon Thread 8/

We've also seen the romantic triangle drama, soap opera (As The Rat Turns) of the lovers quarrel between Jason Miller, Roger Stone, Alex Jones and Bannon. It has all the paw-prints of a brutal rat fight. Squeak-squeak!

Flippathon Thread 9/

Toss into the mix a number of hungry journalists, the omnipresent smartphone camera, a culture of posting crimes on social media, and the desire to lay the blame on someone else - we have some juicy elements here

Flippathon Thread 10/

Where to look? Tom Barrack is too smart to flip last. The Deripaska raid MAY have be caused by Barrack ALREADY singing. We do not know. But JARED is in a hurry, or Barrack flips before Bone Saw Boy

Flippathon Thread 12/

Now we found out Paul Gosar had been offering Trump pardons not only to participate in Jan 6th crimes but to in that way get rid of PAST crimes too

It is the Religious Monopoly game Get Out Of Prison Free card: Jesus Gosar absolves you of PAST crimes. Amen

Flippathon Thread 13/

And the JOKER card in Flippathon 2021, is Trump snitching on fellow Trumpomobsters, like he revealed to topmost DOJ attorneys names of 3 corrupt R Congressmen plotting overthrow of democracy

Rep Jim Gym Jordan (OH)
Rep Scott Perry (PA)
Sen Ron Johnson (WI)

Flippathon Thread 14/

The Flippathon of 2021 will be epic. It is likely to be a series of bombshells, in very rapid succession, as one rat tries to throw the next rodent under the bus. But at least we know The Former Guy can take this calmly & act in a dignified manner about it

Flippathon Thead PS:

And we heard that the Honorable Rapey McForehead is now excommunicated by all Repulsicans. They won't take his calls or return messages - because they know FBI is tapping his phone. Same with Buttdial McRudypants. Now ever more GOP are becoming isolated

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