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Formed from Ferguson Freedom Rides, we work to end the brutality of the most dangerous gang in Chicago, CPD. We work for a better city for Black folks

Oct 27, 2021, 9 tweets

In a few minutes, City Council will meet to begin voting on the 2022 budget.

We demand: #TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter

Follow along via #OurChiBudget2022

Read more & learn about the 2022 City budget, what is in it and not, here:…

The scariest ​🌩️ thing about this Halloween🎃 is that half the city’s mental health clinics remain closed after Lightfoot promised to reopen them. Go to… to take action. #BewaretheCityBudget #OurChiBudget2022

Why is City Council so spooked about reopening Chicago’s shuttered mental health clinics? Act now to tell your alderperson to stand with the people at…. #BewaretheCityBudget #OurChiBudget2022

The 👻 spookiest 👻 part of this 2022 budget is the millions of dollars of funding being given to Chase Bank while thousands of Chicagoan families reel from the harm of the ongoing pandemic.

#TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter #OurChiBudget2022

Environmental racism makes a toxic terrifying halloween when @chicagosmayor only replayed 3 toxic lead pipes out of 650 she promised... in a city with 400,000 toxic lead service lines (one of the largest in the country)

#TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter #OurChiBudget2022

@chicagosmayor $200+ million increase in police spending is scary - it doesn’t make our communities safer but occupies Black and brown neighborhoods with structured and organized violence. Go to… to take action. #BewaretheCityBudget #OurChiBudget2022 #DefundCPD

Our demands:

1) • Move money back into the public mental health clinics so that more residents have access to quality mental health care.

#TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter #OurChiBudget2022…

2) • Increase funding for Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing and eviction prevention services

3)• Cancel the shotspotter surveillance program.

#TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter #OurChiBudget2022…

4) • Remove unfilled positions in the police department budget so that money can be used elsewhere

5)• Replace lead pipes in neighborhoods, so more residents have access to safe water.

#TreatmentNotTrauma #StopShotspotter #OurChiBudget2022


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