찌 G 跻 じ MBA, CFA, FRM, CFP, NGMI, HFSP, HENTAI 🛡️ Profile picture
Former Degenerate Spartan Private Crypto Fund Manager Quoted in CoinDesk & Cointelegraph Psyops Special Forces Reformed Hentai Addict Reinstated @egirl_capital

Oct 27, 2021, 21 tweets

one thing you gotta admit

dem @etherscan bros are fast as feck arent dey

heist lol

@etherscan are they hoping for paraswap airdrop

@etherscan looks like they thinking holding renBTC is safer than WBTC

@etherscan i wonder if they are dumping the ERC20s in any particular order

starting with the stuff that they think the get rekt the fastest?

@etherscan if you wanted to buy any of the tokens affected, maybe wait for them to dump it first, then buy it after that

wow im so smart

@etherscan as someone commentating on their actions, im sure that disqualifies me as a potential suspect

also keklmao

@etherscan looks like someone got creampied without consent

looks like he's doing his test exit transaction with... $1.1m of BTC lol

excellent choice

i was wondering what was taking you so long

slightly odd that for nonce 40 he suddenly switched back to legacy and is now stuck lol

we maybe gonna have to wait for like 15-30 mins for his next action lol

the next nonce is approving AAVE, not hard to imagine why

still slightly baffling why he suddenly switched tx type from 1559 to legacy

is there any good reason to send legacy if you can do 1559?

as expected, they dumped AAVE for ETH on paraswap

now they are back to using 1559 txs

wtf they switched back to legacy tx again

and provided CRETH2 liquidity on uniswap v3 lmeow

tbh i think these guys know what they are doing

if you wanna see their uni v3 LP NFT lol


maybe one yall should make an offer for it

who knows, they might accept it? would be a nice payday ahaha

dumped PERP for ETH through paraswap - i guess they just gonna use paraswap for the rest as well

its so weird that the approval is in legacy, and the swap is in 1559

really seems like its 2 people

welcome to the begging olympics aka etherscan comments tab

i think everything else will be rather uneventful

probably just approving tokens to dump on paraswap to ETH

will be interesting to see what he does with the ETH eventually

thats all folks

i hope none of yall got creampied too badly today

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