Liz Harrington Profile picture

Oct 27, 2021, 6 tweets

They weren't even looking for fraud in this Wisconsin review but still found more than enough illegality to affect the election outcome:

45K voter registrations (double the margin) whose PII did not match

7% of mail-in ballot envelopes incomplete -- amounts to 137,849 ballots!

Election officials NEVER checked if signatures matched on mail-in ballots!

Maybe this is why only 0.2% of mail-ins -- a statistical impossibility -- were rejected

WI also had a ridiculously high 95% turnout rate for mail-ins in 2020

Only 4,270 out of 1,969,274 mail-ins were rejected (0.2%)

Mail-ins increased by 137% from 2016 to 2020, but rejections DROPPED from 1.4% to 0.2%

1.8% were rejected in the April 2020 primary

A normal rejection rate of 1.4% in Nov. would be enough to swing the election = 27,569

The review also found 1.4% of mail-in ballots were "remade"

This also amounts to 28,000 ballots statewide, more than the election margin

The law was not followed in Wisconsin for "indefinitely confined voters, dropboxes, relocating polling places, and adjourning on election night."

But who cares when the ends justify the means!

It's only 200K indefinitely confined votes, and millions from Big Tech!

More law breaking:

"Only half of a sampling of municipalities completed statutorily required testing of electronic voting equipment within 10 days of the election"

Bottom line: They certified election results they knew included illegal ballots…

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