modest proposal Profile picture
I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection.

Oct 27, 2021, 6 tweets

So billion prices project is now Pricestats and they have an index with state street if anyone wants to pull that. the creator is an economist and has some interesting stuff.

from a paper in Sep, here are changes in online prices across countries through May.

here is a reweighting of the CPI by a more relevant covid consumption basket, also broken down by low and high incomes

Here are his estimates of stockouts by product category in the US, and a cross country comparison

And his not surprising finding on stockouts is they are a meaningful driver of price inflation, but also have transitory impact

one more on online prices, the m/m change in US vs 10 year average. Can see the major deviation early this year that will be flowing through the y/y until next spring

also on twitter @albertocavallo and his website of interesting work is here…

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