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Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

Oct 27, 2021, 7 tweets

1. The Peter Daszak Experience

"I shared a house with Peter Daszak for about 2 and a half years in the early 90's. I had a squat in Cedars Road, Stratford"…

2. Oi Daszak

Whilst jamming with two friends we came up with the bare bones that became 'OI DASZAK' (you stole my poetry).

Based on a true episode as a housemate of Pete's. When recording we tried to put in as much atmosphere and flavour of the era as we could.

3. Oi Daszak - (You Stole My Poetry)

4. Pandora's Box

"I hadn't seen him for almost 30 yrs when he popped up on Newsnight, talking about something called Gain of Function. I hadn't heard of this and looked it up, to open Pandora's Box."…

5. Statement in Support of Scientists ;)…

7. Oi Daszak, you stole my poetry

Chorus of 5 million voices

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