Daniel Dumbrill Profile picture

Oct 27, 2021, 5 tweets

I heard your call to action @ClayTravis, this must be debated & discussed. I'll help. Could you provide reference for when China said they'd continue using slave labor & sneaker companies bragged about using it? Those will be powerful tools to start with!

Update: Clay provided his source, which is great, but unfortunately it's himself.

It includes the same bombshell quote, (Chinese companies admitting to using "Muslim slave labor")

Hopefully his source (himself 7 months ago) has an original source 🤞

Here is @ClayTravis's source for his claim recently aired on @FoxNews and repeated by him for months. This is what zero integrity looks like.

While Clay Travis displays tragically entertaining levels of dishonesty, there are real victims when shameless people are willing to push this kind of bullshit.

Bonus: One of my favorite acedemics behind the "forced labour" narrative push:

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