Indivisible AZ Redistricting Team Profile picture
Voters should choose their elected officials; officials should not choose their voters. Follow and join us to keep #IRC accountable. #FairDistricts #Community

Oct 28, 2021, 6 tweets

Countdown #FairDistricts for Arizona -56 Days!

Tomorrow the @ArizonaIRC will likely 1) approve an outreach plan for the 30 day comment period and 2) vote to accept official draft plans for new congressional and legislative districts. Like or retweet if you commit to participate

Like or retweet if you commit to participate to secure quality healthcare for all Arizonans

Like or retweet if you commit to participate to secure safe roads and infrastructure for all of Arizona

Like or retweet if you commit to participate to secure quality education and adequate education for all Arizona students

Like or retweet if you commit to participate so that we prepare for the decade ahead together for the sake of all Arizonans

Like or retweet if you commit to participate to advance social and racial justice in every community.

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