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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Oct 28, 2021, 12 tweets

1/🧵Hey @ChandlerUnified at what point do you finally stand up and say people cannot use your meetings to spout racism, bigotry, or tonight’s special surprise: ANTISEMITISM. “Let’s get to the very bottom of it… if you want to bring race into it, it’s the Jews.” @ADLArizona

2/🧵 B/c when this asshole got APPLAUSE from the usual suspects, Board President Barb Mozdzen simply said: “Your comments really need to be related to what the school board can do something about, and [laughing] this was not something we can something about.” Which part, Barb?

3/🧵Can you not do something about Covid vaccines being “deadly poison”? Or that “everybody who takes it is damaging their immune system”? Or that it’s going to “destroy” children? Should she not have said those things b/c you can’t do anything about them, or b/c they’re LIES?

4/🧵 Can you not do something about the “one race that owns all the pharmaceutical companies” or that “these vaccines aren’t safe, they aren’t effective”? Should she not have said those things b/c you can’t do anything about them, or because they’re HATEFUL LIES?

5/🧵Can you not do something about the increase in gas and food prices? Or that “our money” is being “given to these pharmaceutical companies” owned by one race: “the Jews”? Should she not have said these things b/c you can’t do anything about them, OR B/C THEY’RE HATE SPEECH?!

6/🧵 @ChandlerUnified Board President Barb Mozdzen has a disgraceful habit of excusing the inexcusable. Go back through my recent threads. It’s been more than spelled out for everyone. You’ve all seen her do it.

7/🧵 An antisemitic rant receiving enthusiastic applause, and being met with “don’t say that stuff because we can’t do anything about it” AND ALSO AN AUDIBLE LAUGH was more than anyone should need to see.

8/🧵 The CUSD board is controlled by racists and bigots happily giving a platform to other racists/bigots. @ChandlerUnified: fuck your override. Address the hate speech regularly on display at your mtgs. Address the racism/bigotry in both the words AND the silence of your board.

9/🧵 (Ughh this got separated from the others)

We really need y’all to contact the board & superintendent to let them know how grossly inappropriate the handling of this situation was. As long as they stand by the useless statement released Thu (see below) their handling of this continues to be horrific…

If you are a parent w/kids in district say so. But ALL are encouraged to contact them. Demand they take immediate, meaningful action over this incident, & address ALL of the racism/bigotry routinely brought into board mtgs. The hostile climate they foster allowed this to happen…

Here’s the completely meaningless statement they released. It doesn’t even address the role of school leadership in encouraging hate speech, or in allowing it to happen unchallenged, or how it was responded to with laughter from the board President.

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