Prosecco Please Profile picture
None of you are serious. Where is your mask?
Aug 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
ALA, proudly ensuring neither “A” is ever mistaken for anything resembling “Academia.”

I want to laugh at this, but also who out there still hasn’t gotten the memo that charter schools are $ making schemes designed by zealots to starve public education into eventual collapse?

Since that original thread got broken up, here’s a link to the first part starting with someone in a feud w/ pronouns. 😂

Now if I had to pick I’d probably fight adj’s but hey- y’all keep electing the folks who keep this keepin’ on. B/c you’re “fiscally conservative,” right? 😉
Aug 13, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
1/ Y’all I stepped away for a few hours and SO MANY receipts poured in… 🤯

FIRST… I’m being told this TT video (👇👇 below 👇👇) w/excerpts from this Forbes article explaining a dangerous, antisemitic conspiracy theory:…

2/ was posted last night and was up for hours. Apparently it includes all standard precautions to be compliant w/TT’s TOS? But it was suddenly removed this morning.

There’s some modified version up now but not a video? Idk. I need a cool and/or young person to ask.
Aug 1, 2024 17 tweets 11 min read
1/ *sigh* @ChandlerUnified #CUSD & everyone who needs to here this:


Is this movie recommendation an official endorsement by the district? Is this the official position of anyone officially in charge of children? And not 💰💰💰?

Asking b/c…
2/ Our resident “social media awareness expert” (👀🚩) is using @ChandlerUnified (again) this time to promote THIS movie, which in turn promotes…

Bark! You know, that spyware, phone & shit, etc Katey sells. 🙄

So… Katey promotes 1. Katey & 2. Bark at #CUSD.


Apr 16, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Y’all Scott might be owed an apology. He might not have been a plant to feed ?s they wanted to have asked during the public livestream.

While searching for which PL “insider” is threatening & doxxing a family right now this was discovered: Scott’s lone public post…

2/ A closer look revealed Scott has an affinity for using 💜 emojis - nbd - but also that Scott’s pronouns are she/her.

No judgement here. But it did seem odd given the apathy/hostility faced when trying to get them to care about what trans/nonbinary kids have been put through.
Apr 13, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
10/ This past Wed. Same preface.

11 speakers.
3 CUSD parents (plus Ann).
2 of them were there to speak about violence against their son(s) in school in Chandler.

Gilbert Bridget took away a minute from each of them for this:

11/ I get it. You oranges (suddenly) care so much about (some) students and are very upset about things (you are exaggerating and/or making up) that you read about online (b/c everything there is true) such as as “sextortion” and FENTANYL FENTANYL FENTANYL!
Mar 27, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ Anyone else curious why a c3 nonprofit (not based in @cityofchandler) backing a recall effort of a @ChandlerUnified board member freaked out over ?s/concerns raised on FB by #CUSD voters?

And then started offering “let’s meet in person for coffee and discuss” invites to them? 2/ And then they began blocking those who declined the bait & switch bullshit?

And then they deleted the entire post?

And when one #CUSD mom showed up in good faith this morning for what she was told would be a chat over coffee, she was ambushed by a fb live they had planned?

Dec 17, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ Failed CUSD candidate Charlotte 🐍 Golla & Ann “motherless” Adams showed up Wed pretending to care about antisemitism.

See the 🧵⬇️ ? About when we made national news over a cloning expert’s antisemitic rant?
Do you see either of them there?


#CUSD a word, please… 2/ Those two pharisaical hypocrites had the audacity to think they could exploit a humanitarian crisis while pretending to care about my family and so many others & what… we wouldn’t remember their silence? At a time when all they did was run their mouths at our meetings???
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
[1/3] So @ChandlerUnified let 🧻🇺🇸 members wear a special cord during graduation.
[link in 2/3]

If my kid was in a club who did this kinda crap I’d for sure want the whole world to know how I proud I was of them being groomed as a pawn to exploit a horrific act of terrorism. ImageImageImageImage [2/3]…
May 2, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
1/ Alright #CUSD it’s time to see what #WeAreChandlerUnified was all about at last week’s meeting.

There were 6 speakers but the last 2 were kiddos who went at the same time so technically we heard 5 separate addresses.

However… 2/ …3 of those addresses came from total randoms seemingly there to support Kurt’s bullshit from the previous mtg when & where he fully embarrassed himself w/ a tantrum over teacher training. So basically there were 2 addresses.

This calls for a brief but important aside…
Apr 16, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
26/ Let’s face it #CUSD until district leadership starts having to face the consequences of their uncaring, immature, irresponsible, and childish ineptitude, NOTHING is going to change. 27/ Every day that we continue to allow them to remain terrible, horrible people who are absolute shit at their jobs/roles is a day that our kids end up paying for.

It’s not enough that YOUR kid is *ok.*

A child failed anywhere is a collective failure of our entire community.
Apr 16, 2023 27 tweets 9 min read
1/ Hey @ChandlerUnified - what in the entire actual fuck is allllll of this???

Here are some of the accounts of parents and advocates who chose to speak at this week’s meeting.

The entire recording can be viewed here: 2/ TRIGGER WARNING FOR ENTIRE THREAD: emotional and detailed reports of SA, CSA, acts of grooming, sexual harassment, etc.

Please make sure you are in a safe, comfortable space with support available if needed before viewing.
Mar 9, 2023 23 tweets 18 min read
1/ Hey #CUSD! Let’s talk a little bit about tonight [🧵⬇️], that recent TPυsα event at Perry, and general concerns about the TPυsα Perry club, ok?

@ChandlerUnified @PerryPumas07 I hope you’re paying attention. Someone needs to. 2/ @ChandlerUnified @PerryPumas07 it is way past time to evaluate if that TPυsα “advisor” should be allowed to continue supervising this club.

An earlier thread (⬇️) touched on this advisor briefly, and contained a portion of an email fwd’d on to me.
Mar 9, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Hey #CUSD! Next governing board mtg starts any minute now. Watch it live here:… Agenda can be viewed or printed from here:…

There are no more written public comments because somehow making meetings LESS accessible was a win for… someone…? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Mar 8, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Hey @ChandlerUnified it’s so great that MαgαHυΙk was just invited to come speak at Perry HS. What could’ve gone wrong?

Definitely nothing requiring cops that board member #KurtRohrs let slip, after your official statement that “at no time” was there any danger, right? 🤔… And definitely nothing that could’ve been exacerbated by an attention-seeking, known shit-starter’s perfectly reasonable idea to invite the entire internet into a school, right? ImageImage
Feb 24, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
1/ Alright #CUSD time to address another noteworthy moment from last night’s board meeting.

Someone showed up to speak on “parent concern.”

But was that really why she was there?

Yeah. We’ll cover that… 2/ After a lengthy (and familiar-sounding) intro Kelsey shared that she was there “representing a LOT of other parents” (LOL!) concerned about…

*screeching record sound*

… CSE. 🙄
Feb 23, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
1/ Attn #CUSD! We have a LOT to unpack from last night’s board mtg.

I wanna get into something ASAP that I feel warrants immediate attn.

First I want to be very clear & public about how impressed I was w/Barb (acting as president) & @FrankNarducci’s handling of MANY instances… 2/… of inappropriate bullshit from Kurt + a speaker (Kurt’s friend) who came in to attack @Serrano4CUSD. Maybe Kurt was desperate for a distraction? To bring some heat down on someone else? Who knows.

Barb & Frank shut it all down. They 100% deserve to be recognized for that.
Feb 23, 2023 31 tweets 4 min read
Meeting starts NOW y’all!… Public comments now. Sorry y’all - my internet is acting up tonight.
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ Attn #CUSD! Our next board mtg is tonight. But first…

Y’all remember yesterday when Perry’s 🧻🇺🇸 club hosted the “Mαgα HuΙk” ?

And “Mαgα HuΙk” invited all of Arizona on the internet to come into the school’s cafeteria? 2/ But when *some* people showed up, they were turning away and told it was for club members only?

But *somehow* Kurt got in?

Meaning Kurt either joins kiddie clubs (gross!) OR he got into an event which was NOT open to the public by appearing on behalf of the district…?
Feb 21, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
1/ Hey #CUSD! Are we… are we ok with this?

I’m told this was posted inside a school, possibly Perry itself. Awaiting confirmation - can anyone help with that?

Also… Image 2/ …why does Perry have a TPUSA club, anyway? Or any school for that matter?

Well, I don’t know what school her kid went to, but here’s our third-times-a-charm, finally-elected state Rep. Liz Harris bitching…
Dec 5, 2022 20 tweets 11 min read
1/ Hey #Chandler? Y’all know our mayor/town council wants to do a racism tomorrow night, right?

Before we get into it, read this:… 2/ First of all, there’s zero reason for them to be wasting time, resources, etc on this. It’s not Chandler’s land - the county gets to make this call. Has the @cityofchandler solved ALL of our problems, so much so that they can just dick around with NIMBY bullshit? Image
Oct 18, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Well, well, well #CUSD

Maybe #KurtRohrs & #CharlotteGolla should spend less time ranting about drag queens and banning books, and more time worrying about the company they keep.

“Randy Kaufman was seen masturbating in his pickup truck…”… Let’s look real close just to be sure…

Yep. There they are. Go Team The Real Perverts!