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Oct 28, 2021, 6 tweets

We’ve published a technical article which highlights the different characteristics of people more likely to test positive for #COVID19 across countries of the UK.

Findings are from 11 Nov 2020 to 16 May 2021, when the Alpha variant was the most dominant

In Wales and England, living in an urban city or town increased the likelihood of testing positive for #COVID19 when compared to those living in a rural village

In Wales, age did not effect the probability of testing positive for #COVID19 until around age 60 years, when the probability of testing positive decreased.

In England, younger ages were more likely to test positive than those from older ages

In Northern Ireland the likelihood of testing positive appeared to increase until mid-adulthood (around early 40s) and then decreased in older ages.

However, confidence intervals are wide so trends should be interpreted with caution

In Scotland, household size was associated with an increased likelihood of testing positive for #COVID19 to a greater extent for non-White individuals compared with England

Commenting on today’s results, Dr Rhiannon Yapp, Co-Lead for the #COVID19 Infection Survey, said: ⬇️

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