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Education | Public Policy | Management @IIMAhmedabad, Curating (@insideout_ed) @Localism_India (

Oct 28, 2021, 9 tweets

~ A girls' school in Mangalore, Karnataka (c. the 1870s).

Another picture of the same school. This school for girls was housed in a big building.

~ Photograph of a Girls' School at Bombay in Maharashtra (c. 1873)

~ A Marathi teacher instructing his students in a class in Bombay (c. 1873)

~ A private teacher in one of the local schools in Varanasi. (c. 1870). From the Archaeological Survey of India Collections

~ A Mussalmaum Schoolmaster (original title)

by Sir Charles D'Oyly (1781–1845), undated, from Paul Mellon Collection

From my earlier thread on schools/colleges/Universities in British India.

~ A Girls School in Jaipur, (c. the 1870s/80s)

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