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Oct 28, 2021, 7 tweets

COP26, the climate summit in Glasgow, is rapidly approaching.

We looked at the top 5 countries, emitting the most emissions and the pledges they’re bringing to the world stage:
🇨🇳 China
🇺🇸 US
🇮🇳 India
🇷🇺 Russia
🇮🇩 Indonesia

China is the world’s biggest annual emitter, responsible for 23.9% (11.7bn tonnes) of annual CO2 equivalent.

In September 2020 it announced an intention ‘to achieve the peaking of carbon-dioxide emissions around 2030’ and to be carbon neutral by 2060

The US is the second-biggest emitter, and is responsible for 11.8% (5.8bn tonnes) of the world’s annual CO2e.

Under President Joe Biden, America has ambitiously committed to cut net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-53% below 2005 levels by 2030

India ranks no.3 in annual global emissions, responsible for 6.8% (3.3bn tonnes) of the world’s CO2e.

In February 2016 New Delhi pledged to reduce the emissions intensity of its economy by 33-35% of 2005 levels by 2030

Russia ranks no.4 in the world for global emissions, responsible for 4.1% (2bn tonnes) of annual CO2e.

Last year Moscow committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 70% relative to the 1990 level by 2030

As the world’s fifth-biggest annual emitter, Indonesia is responsible for 3.5% (1.7bn tonnes) of annual CO2e.

Over the summer of 2021 Jakarta reiterated its commitments – to reduce GHG emissions by 26% (unconditional) and 41% (conditional) by 2030

Curious to see where your country ranks?

We’ve created a searchable dashboard in anticipation of #COP26, where you can toggle between 193 countries’ historical emissions and future climate targets

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