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Small indie developer and experienced digital artist behind Fated Kingdom board game and Rogue West: Crypto Trading Card Game.

Oct 29, 2021, 22 tweets

The long-awaited screens of the @RogueWestNFT combat are here! Here is a thread with a one particular #NFTGame from start to finish.

More info and #NFTproject roadmap:

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It all starts small. Totgard goes 1st, putting "Sally the Waitress" on the battlefield. "Rotten Chief" is saved for a late game.

According to the rules of @RogueWestNFT, power of the first played card is reduced to 1, so instead of 2 victory points (VPs), Totgard gets only 1.

How about an early aggression? Vladimir plays "Crawling Half", which is great for the early stages game, as it can receive buffs for each beaten opponent's card. The zombie eats Sally and immediately gets a boost from the Feast ability. The score is now in favor of Vladimir: 2/0.

Despite the fact that Totgard can beat Vladimir's wicked right now with three of his cards (cowboy and priests), he decides to play "Desperate Bandit". As a rule, the most powerful cards should be saved for last. However, 4 VPs are enough to start winning again. Score: 2 - 4 VPs.

Vladimir continues to clean up the field, exposing new fiends. "Turned Marauder" is placed against the bandit, which is why the latter dies. And "Crawling Half" eats up the warm remains of the outlaw, receiving precious +1 to power again. Is this really a zombie deck?.. Maybe...

Time to even the score! Well, or at least kill the gluttonous zombie until it gains even more power. Totgard plays "Sick Bandit", which by a lucky chance beats Folk type cards. The score is levelling out a bit, but Vladimir is still ahead. However, Totgard's hand is very good!

Vladimir is doing well: at the moment he is winning, so there is no point in playing powerful cards. Suspecting that the opponent doesn't have Ranged cards, he plays "Damp Ammo", getting another VP. Besides, why do you need bullets if your entire deck consists of living dead?..

Totgard decides to deliver the first serious blow to the opponent's table by playing "Fiend Hunter" and thereby killing the second zombie. Now, with the score of 1-7, Vladimir begins to have problems. But so far he has solved it quite easily, so let's not rush to conclusions...

Perhaps Vladimir does not get the best cards from the deck, or maybe he just conceived some cunning plan. Anyway, he again plays a rather weak card, allowing Totgard to have a score advantage.

BTW, did you know that one who plays the card last gets 5 VP at the end of the match?

Having felt the power, Totgard begins to prepare the battlefield for "Rotten Chief". So he plays "Dusk Walker". The plan is to buff it with the Horde ability "Rotten Chief" have. Ideally, "The Executioner" should also be present on the field by this point. Score: 3 - 12. Big gap!

Vladimir returns to the game with the "Haunted Marauder", killing a bandit in the center.

By the way, this is the tenth turn of the game, which means that players already stop drawing new cards from the decks. They will have to play only with the ones they have in their hands.

Totgard believes that the opponent has a few more powerful cards left, so he decides to play "Rotten Chief" one move earlier, leaving "The Executioner" for the last turns. It's more safer this way, besides, it still strengthens one Wicked type card. He still has VPs advantage...

After the "Rotten Chief" destroyed the melee weapon, Vladimir again decides to play a weak card to lull opponent's vigilance. He doesn't know for sure that Totgard has "The Executioner" (it has power of 9), but takes into account this possibility. These mind games are amazing!..

But instead of "The Executioner", Totgard plays a completely different card - "Cunning Bandit". This is expected, since Totgard has already played the common and uncommon versions of this card. But it has the Robbery ability, so at the end of the match it will double the power.

Following Totgard's rare card, Vladimir plays his own - "Rogue Coin". This card is very good, as it is the only one in the game that beats cards with the Gunslinger type at the moment. But Totgard doesn't have a Gunslinger type card, so the coin was not very useful in this match.

Totgard already scored by a good margin, but after he played "Cowboy Bully", the gap became even bigger (7 - 20)! Is victory close?

Also, It's worth noting that adding cards that beat zombies was a great solution. Because the more Wicked on the field, the faster they gain power.

Vladimir is clearly not ready for such an onslaught. He plays "Ragged Cloth", removing a newly played "Cowboy Bully" from the field. The score is now 9 - 15.

Both players have only a couple of cards left, which means that the last few turns will be really, really outstanding!

Well, Vladimir doesn't have a single Wicked type card, so Totgard decides to play "The Bishop" against "Rogue Coin". This increased the score gap even more (9 - 22). A sure victory?

Maybe, but It's too early to draw conclusions, because Vladimir still has two cards in his hand.

As soon as Vladimir saw "The Bishop" on the table, he immediately played the Undead Marauder zombie, killing the "Cunning Bandit", which could potentially grow to 8 power. Great move! The score is now 14 - 18.

Will Totgard crack down on this Wicked with his "The Executioner"?..

Instead of killing "Undead Marauder", Totgard puts "The Executioner" against the Gear. A grave mistake?..

No! Totgard knows that if he beats the Wicked now, that Vladimir will be able to kill the priest with "Evening Walker" or "Midnight Walker", if one of them is in his hand.

Vladimir had a different card - "Man With No Name". And it differs from others in that it allows you to beat any card, but does not give any VPs. Vladimir would definitely have played it against "The Executioner", and would have been able to win.

And now it's time to take stock.

So, after 20 turns of fierce combat, the score is 14(+5) - 21. And Totgard wins by a margin of 2 points!

This test battle reflects the look and feel of the current version of the game. @RogueWestNFT is still in development.

Thanks for your attention!

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