Thomas van Linge Profile picture
Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Oct 29, 2021, 14 tweets

Are you ready for tomorrow #Sudan 🇸🇩?

These kids are!


#Sudan 🇸🇩: the March of Millions has begun. In #Omdurman the masses are moving through the streets, making there way down to #Khartoum. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: protesters are marching down 16 Street in southern #Khartoum, on their way to meet thousands more, heading for the city center. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: an endless stream of protesters making its way through #WadMadani in #Gezirs state. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: the people of #Nyala (southern #Darfur) out in the streets to reject the #SudanCoup.


#Sudan 🇸🇩; the streets of #Kassala taking part in the #October30March against the #SudanCoup.


#Sudan 🇸🇩: this is the sight in #Khartoum today. A tsunami of people, as far as the eye can see, dominating the streets, rejecting the #SudanCoup.


#Sudan 🇸🇩: #ElObeid out in thr streets, participating in the #October30March. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: thousands out marching in #Gedarif. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: massive crowd has gathered in #Bahri to join the #October30March. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: the first casualties have been reported in #Omdurman where military forces fired live ammunition at the massive crowd of protesters. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: live ammunition was also fired on protesters in #Nyala (#Darfur) as they were making their way through town. #SudanCoup


#Sudan 🇸🇩: protesters marching against the #SudanCoup in the southern city of #Damazin (#BlueNile state).


#Sudan 🇸🇩: massive turnout for the #October30March in #PortSudan (#RedSea state). #SudanCoup


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