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Oct 30, 2021, 8 tweets

Lancaster County is in PA. It is home to Sam Lazar, who allegedly assaulted police on Jan 6. Frank Scavo of Old Forge, PA went on Bannon’s podcast on 12/30 to promote a “Stop the Steal” protest in Lancaster that day. A Jan 3 militia “leaders” planning meeting occurred there too.

Frank Scavo of Old Forge, PA seems to have acted as an intermediary for Bannon and (at a minimum) the #MAGAMoonies who worship w/ AR15s & attended the 12/30 rally in Lancaster. Scavo’s attorney is felon Ernie Preate who is close w/ Bannon. Preate’s daughter is Bannon’s publicist.

What did Steve Bannon and Frank Scavo (Bannon’s PA intermediary) know and when did they know it? @January6thCmte @SenWhitehouse

Yes, the #MAGAMoonies attended this MAGA rally in Lancaster county, PA.

Scavo introduced Steve Bannon for his speaking gig during a pre-election event with #MAGAMoonies leader, Sean Moon.…

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