The Provost / سيدة الفتنة Profile picture
Your Lady of Chaos (Theory) | Cassandra of Geopolitics | MENA - Nazis - ISIS - political violence - etc. |

Oct 30, 2021, 6 tweets

Me: “I love my art studio because it’s a retreat from the world of heinous political violence and horror I’m immersed in working on 24/7.”

Also me:

nowhere near close to finished

Anyway, if and when I ever manage to finish this piece, getting a representative photograph is going to be impossible — given all the glass and mirrors.

why am i like this

Progress is painful — and so is photography.

When you have the brilliantly idiotic idea to use mirrors for the framing enclosure.

This is never going to get done but I can guarantee I’m likely to die trying.

Closer but still far from finished.

Took it outside to test how reflections in the mirrored frame casing will impact the composition’s overall effect.

In a word: jarring.

I think this one comes closest to what I’m hoping to achieve — I want the viewer to be disturbed by the juxtaposition with beautiful surroundings, and unsuccessfully trying to avoid their own reflection in the center’s infinite atrocity.

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