Kanchan Gupta (Hindu Bengali Refugee)🇮🇳 Profile picture
Public Affairs Commentator. Reader. Writer. Blogger.

Oct 31, 2021, 8 tweets

If the photograph of PM @narendramodi with @Pontifex Pope Francis at Vatican 'warms' the heart of @PritishNandy , what happened next would, I think, melt his heart. That apart, catholicity, both in liturgical and broader sense, as Pritish Babu would know, abhors closed minds. n1

Catholicity, as @PritishNandy would agree, challenges false presumptions -- for example, PM @narendramodi not meeting Muslim and Sikh spiritual leaders. Pritish Babu's presumptive assertion is patently false.
Here's PM Modi with head granthi of Golden Temple and at a gurdwara. n2

Catholicity, as @PritishNandy knows, rejects the assertion of beliefs that are not only false but also unethical -- for instance, Pritish Babu's claim that PM @narendramodi has not met Muslim spiritual leaders. That may excite ignorant lefties and libbies, but it is untrue. n3

And @PritishNandy since we are on the non-liturgical spirit of catholicity, PM @narendramodi regularly meets spiritual leaders of all communities -- for instance, Jains. n4

Before you say, what about Buddhists and Parsis, @PritishNandy, here's PM @narendramodi meeting Buddhist and Parsi spiritual leaders. You see, he is the Prime Minister of India, though you (like all libbies and lefties) rarely if ever acknowledge this fact. n5

While @PritishNandy is free to spin the wheel of untruth, PM @narendramodi lives by, shall we say, Atul Prasad Sen's famous song which I'm sure he would have heard while growing up in Kolkata:
'Be firm in your faith, be courageous in action.'
Libbies and lefties won't get it.

For the benefit of @PritishNandy and fellow libbies and lefties, here is Atul Prasad's song. What Pritish Babu does not get is the rise of India with PM @narendramodi at the helm of this great nation. He should try more catholicity in letter and spirit.

Here are the lyrics translated into English for those who do not follow Bangla. As I said, libbies and lefties just don’t get the rise of #India helmed by PM @narendramodi

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