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Shedding light on the UCP's negligence for Alberta & their corrupt ways. anti-fascist anti-racism. Amplifier #FiretheUCP #MountainsNotMines #MMIWG 🇵🇸 🧡🏳️‍🌈

Oct 31, 2021, 25 tweets

Meet Kaycee Madu - Liar extraordinaire, gleeful destroyer of democratic values, bootlicker, and example of pure UCP incompetence.
A thread 🧵 on why @KayceeMaduYEG is one of the very worst of the corrupt UCP (and thats a VERY tough competition)
#ableg #ResignMadu #FireTheUCP

First, let's start with his most active and recent grift, his desperate need to give Kenney his own (brownshirt) Alberta Police Force.
Why? Well the UCP claim it will cost much less (not true as we will see shortly), and of course, to also rid themselves of the pesky RCMP

Who happen to be investigating Kenney and other UCP members for the obvious fraudulent activities that took place during the UCP leadership election (if they go away, so does the investigation, is the hope of Kenney)

Read more about that here via @sprawlcalgary (with an awesome info cartoon by @mr_ericdyck)

The demand for an Alberta Police force seems to have come from within the UCP, claiming it as a way to save money and help with rural crime. To test the want, the 'Fair Deal Panel' (stacked with UCP shills, including Drool Barnes, 'covid is behind us' Rosin, and Arriba Yao)

was created with one of their mandates to ask Albertans if they want a new province-wide police force owned, maintained, and paid for by Albertans alone.
The report was released (link here: alberta.ca/fair-deal-pane…) has the details they used to push a recommendation to create

an Alberta Police Service. Except, when you dig into the details, only a small minority of Albertans actually want this - from page 65: only 35%, yes ONLY 35% from their survey, said yes to replacing the RCMP with our own force

And yet, Liar Madu claimed that Albertans overwhelmingly want this - absolutely not true. Kaycee, being the shill and grifter he is, obviously doesn't understand what a majority means. It's obvious, they want this force, and don't give a shit what Albertans have to say.. as usual

This isn't a shock - the UCP ignore constituents on basically every issue (curriculum another prime example) to push their ideology and lies onto AB, with complete disdain and disrespect for Alberta and democratic practices. Bell shills for this here:

Additional surveys were conducted above the fair deal panel which showed similar results - 61% said no, not unlike the 62% that said 'yes' to either equalization referendum which Kenney called a 'landslide' and yet, ignores these results cause they don't agree with his ideology

In further breakdown of this survey, you can see some obvious trends of the types who agree with this, as well as an even worse result of demand for this force at a provincial level (31% vs 35% in the fair deal panel). Both surveys show this is not wanted.

On top of the surveys, there were town halls and Madu toured the province trying desperately to sell his new brownshirt force, especially to the rural towns and municipalities, who push backed on his lies, like this from Redcliff

Or this from the mayor of Edson with very strong words about how it isn't feasible and with municipalities already downloading more costs due to UCP ineptitude, this is a disaster waiting to happen

Among other towns and muni's that know this is a bad idea, and yet, Madu and Kenney and the rest of the corrupt lot, don't care

Madu, after seeing the poor results from the fair deal panel, decided that a majority of the population wanted this and proceeded to spend $2M on a report from PWC to assess the feasibility. Again, defying and ignoring his own data to push the UCP ideology

Then, last Friday he released the report and proceeded to huff and puff at the podium, trying his best to gaslight us into thinking the report showed what he wanted, that this was a good idea. As usual, just like the Allen report, it does NOT align with their ideology,

but they still lie and grift and spin because that's all they know how to do. And yet, and thankfully to our awesome reporters and experts in the province, his lies are exposed, his grift comes to light - it will cost us, especially rurals, a LOT more than today with the RCMP



It should be noted that there was discussion of this issue being added to the recent referendum, but, knowing that noone wants this, the UCP did not put it on the ballot. This way they can claim, without evidence that Albertans want this without actually asking - typical UCP

Now, Madu is not just a grifter and an embarrassment on this report, he also had multiple gaffes and disturbing tweets and statements that are unbecoming of an elected official, yet alone from the 'justice minister', such as:

Or when he deemed that giving pepper spray solves all the racial problems here (and are fostered by the UCP) in Alberta. He didn't get his way, because, thankfully, there are adults in the room (another reason he wants an APP? Pepper spray for all!)

Or, when he, without evidence and only because he's got nothing else, claimed that the media, NDP, and Liberals all desired our healthcare system to collapse, when we all KNOW it's was because of the UCPs criminal negligence by having the 'Best summer ever'

Thus, and to keep this thread from going on longer (although I will add more later), @KayceeMaduYEG is, without doubt, one of the worst elected officials we've ever had, probably the most disrespectful and corrupt 'Justice' minister we've ever seen, and a continued embarrassment

and absolute disgrace to AB, Canada, and honestly, humanity. He doesn't care about this prov or people. I guess that's what made him a prime candidate for Kenney - he wants horrible people without morals/ethics, and willing to lie for him. Madu fits the bill
#ableg #FireTheUCP

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