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Oct 31, 2021, 8 tweets

The tweet in question Laura Kuenessberg "accidentally" retweeted earlier and missed for over 8 hours.

Oddly, she's following this no picture account from 2012 with 289 followers.

It's her alt account isn't it lol.

Laura Kuenessberg accidentally retweeted anti EU tweet from this account that she follows.

Joined in March 2012 and had tweeted 91.7k times, yet only gained 292 followers, some high profile accounts too.

Very normal account. 26 tweets a day average yet low following.

3/ I for one would like to know @BBCNewsPR, what drew their political editor to follow a racist xenophobic account such as this?

More to follow in thread.

4/ Why does @bbclaurak follow this account? They have consistently tweeted against asylum seekers and non whites people.....

5/ Actually @BBCNewsPR, I want an answer as to why Laura Kuenessberg is following an account like this.

Amongst dog tweets, is a disturbing pattern of white supremacy, xenophobia & targeting of BAME politicians.

You don't follow a tiny account for nothing as a political editor

6/ The account in question has a strong focus in the Greater Manchester area. Laura's friend really really likes to have a go at @AndyBurnhamGM alot too. No way she missed this.

It's the biggest theme in the account. LK was the 9th follower of this account btw.

7/ The account appears to be trying to give her high profile friend an out....

Have my charity shop job today, but rest assured I'll be digging into the account later today.

Some very questionable views and an odd decision for LK to follow, especially given she's very selective on who she does.

Meanwhile, help a local charity today.

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