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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Nov 1, 2021, 28 tweets

1/🧵Remember @ChandlerUnified’s shameful handling of the vote to amend the ASBA bylaws so that the Hispanic/Native American Caucus wouldn’t have to share a board seat, taking turns every 2 years just to have part-time representation? (A reminder 👇)

2/🧵In summary: @JoelWirth4CUSD is definitely a racist, #JasonOlive asked to table the vote b/c he didn’t have the info he needed to decide if representation matters 🙄, & Board Pres. #BarbMozdzen said it could be revisited on the 23rd. (Which didn’t happen.)

3/🧵 This sure happened though! And what was actually on the agenda? This: approving the NSBA fees for 2021.

4/🧵 And now prepare yourselves for such extreme cringing that you may wish to do some light stretching first.

JO says he thinks the only benefit is discounts for a convention no one goes to.

BM laughs that some people get some magazines. (Those are expensive magazines, Barb!)

5/🧵 LB suggests clarification is needed re: if NSBA membership is required to receive ASBA benefits.

BM says her “resources” say that’s not so.

@FrankNarducci mentions how the ASBA saves them from hiring a “ton of attorneys” but his “understanding” is that it’s not req’d.

6/🧵Ok I’ll just say it… HOLY FUCKEN SHIT Y’ALL!!! You’ve been in this org for how long, paying these dues every year, and have seemingly no clue how any of this works? Does ANYONE know ANYTHING about this? Enter the superhero we really don’t deserve: board member Lindsay Love.

7/🧵LL asks why they would leave.

JO replies “So we don’t have to give them any money.” (BM lol’s)

LL says they provide training & that her role on the Nat’l Black Council gives CUSD representation on a nat’l level.

BM states an incorrect assumption.

LL schools them all.

8/🧵LL continues to explain CUSD’s lengthy involvement w/ the NSBA & how they’ve maintained CUSD representation at some of the highest levels.

JW maybe almost nods off but looks over to share a weird moment w/ FN.

BM makes another incorrect assumption.

LL continues…

9/🧵 …in the face of palpable disinterest from her fellow board members. No one asks LL - the only person who seems to know a goddamn thing about this org - a single meaningful question about the training she mentioned, or her work w/ them on behalf of CUSD, or anything at all.

10/🧵BM starts the vote. LB reminds them they still don’t know for sure whether this will cost them “a lot of money” that they currently save from ASBA affiliation.

BM says they have time to confirm this critical detail & tables the vote. J/K! She forces the vote.

JW wakes up.

11/🧵Remember when they tabled a vote at the previous mtg b/c JO didn’t have dumb, useless information? Why would they race ahead w/ this vote in the absence of really important info? Especially if it’s all about saving money, no? (😉)

Let’s revisit the applause this vote got.

12/🧵 Because the same crowd giving them THAT round of applause for THAT vote was the same crowd giving THIS round of applause earlier this evening.

13/🧵And now let’s revisit #BarbMozdzen’s expensive magazines. I hope it’s ok I can call them hers, because this is how CUSD - including Barb - has voted on NSBA fees in the past.

(Last year, voting for this year’s membership…)

14/🧵 Barb was all about the expensive magazines last year!

15/🧵 OK but what about in 2019? Surely Barb was just mistaken in 2020 - we’re all human! I’m sure she saw this for the pointless, boring expensive magazine scam that it was then.

16/🧵 Nope! Just kidding. Here’s another rather unceremonious approval of the NSBA fees.

17/🧵 CUSD YouTube channel isn’t that old, but their archived agendas (with voting records) go back for years.

18/🧵 Many, many years.

19/🧵 So, what changed this year? And especially what changed for #BarbMozdzen to suddenly swing so far from her support of @ChandlerUnified’s membership in NSBA? Hmm…

20/🧵 Whoa lady! Are “we parents” involved in threats of violence, or acts of intimidation? Are “we parents” physically threatening school officials, or attacking school board members?

21/🧵 If not, this really shouldn’t bother “we parents” because here was their request:…

22/🧵 Y’all read who/what the concerns were about, right? Are y’all doing that stuff? No? Then you’re all good! Unless… I mean… are you… doing the bad stuff…?

23/🧵 Sir… are you doing the domestic terrorist stuff? Again I really think y’all can relax. Unless you can’t…

24/🧵 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

25/🧵 So a bunch of lying racists started freaking out that the feds were coming for them over their *definitely-not-domestic-terrorist-activities* and #BarbMozdzen (who approved these fees for YEARS) just couldn’t wait to bring her board buddies to go sit w/Team Lying Racists.

Wrong screenshot attached. (These were approved for so, SO many years it was honestly hard to keep track of them all.)

(Link to entire agenda:… )

26/🧵The timing of this though…

27/🧵 must read

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