Vijay Patel🇮🇳 Profile picture
Bharat First 🇮🇳| Bhakt Of Mahadev⛰️ | Proud Hindu | Activist | Investigative Reporter 🕵️| Son of Farmer🌾 | Founder @onlyfactindia |

Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets


1. After FabIndia, Now Elle India has posted this and wrote an article on their website.

2. This article has been written by @RumanBaig3

Now let me show you some of her retweets so you can understand her ideology.

3. Now see her few 'Likes' on her Twitter account.

4. Now, look how much hypocrite she is!
She doesn't want to take criticism of her religion but wants to give Gyan on Hindu festivals!

5. Meet @aineenizami she is Consulting Digital Editor at ELLE India.
Just see her retweets and likes on Twitter.

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