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Feb 27 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
This reel came to my timeline when I was scrolling reels on Instagram.
A person standing with a huge fake currency parcel and a helicopter.
He is selling this currency via Instagram.
But he is not the only one.
Read this thread👇 2. When you see a reel multiple times on Instagram, its algorithm automatically promotes similar reels.
So, I started to get reels where people were selling fake Indian currency.
Feb 13 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Unmasking foreign agents who are working as journalists!
In December 2023, Hannah Ellis Petersen, a reporter from the British newspaper The Guardian, met Pakistan's high commissioner and discussed 'mutual interest.' 2. Just after a few months, she came up with the story to target India.
Feb 11 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
This is very big.
1. Here is the list of so-called Independent journalists funded by USAID-funded Earth Journalism.
This list has the names of 86 Indians who write articles on their pay roles.
Do you know where their articles are published?
To know read this thread now👇 2. See how USAID funds millions and works closely with Interviews Network, the parent outfit of Earth Journalism Network.
USAID funds it to create its assets worldwide.
Feb 8 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
It is not Arvind Kejriwal but Deep State and Ford Foundation that lost the Delhi election today.
I am rewriting my old thread about how the Ford Foundation designed Arvind Kejriwal's entire career.
Like USAID, the Ford Foundation must be shut down in India.
1. Thread 👇 2. According to the CIA's declassified documents, the Ford Foundation was their partner in financing their projects.
Projects are included in political and psychological warfare.
Jan 29 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
1. Here is the extremely important investigative thread
No one should miss it👇 2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Islamist sympathizer Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
They are repeatedly publishing such propaganda stories.
Jan 27 • 17 tweets • 9 min read
A Must Read
People associated with the terrorist outfit HAMAS are whitewashing the terrorists who are in jails in India.
Shockingly, Apple and Spotify also gave their platforms to radicals to whitewash the crime of rioters.
Here is the extremely important investigative thread 2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
Jan 27 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Coldplay concert has helped Ahmedabad to show how developed and safe it is!
People from outside praise locals for their hospitality.
People are pleased with the government's administration and @AhmedabadPolice for handling this event flawlessly.
Let me show you some praise👇
People are surprised to see excellent infrastructure!
You won't find a single post about forcing people to use local language!
Jan 25 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
INDIA is under Psychological subversion!!
1. This thread should be a warning alarm for all the people and authorities.
A few startup companies have sold their soul for money, and the people of India are totally unaware of this silent but powerful weapon.
Read this immediately 2. Pratilipi is a company which has two crore 80 lakh readers.
They publish stories and books in 12 Indian languages.
But nobody has noticed how they are silently pushing erotic and semi-porn stories to subvert Indian youth minds.
Let me show you a few examples.👇
Jan 21 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1. Hindenburg attacked first time on Adani on 24 Jan 2023!
I posted an investigation on February 4, 2023, exposing hidden individuals and their connections, but the Indian media ignored it.
Now, 2 years later, Western media has revealed the same hidden faces, and Indian media is talking about it!2. As I exposed then, Anson funds of Moez Kassam have close ties with Hindenberg, who has benefited from Hindenberg in the past, too!
Jan 11 • 17 tweets • 7 min read
If you think Fatima Shaikh is the biggest fake identity created by a left lobby, think again!
1. According to my investigation, no such person, Gangadhar Nehru, existed as a Kotwal of Delhi, as Jawaharlal Nehru and other leftist historians claimed.
Here are proofs👇 2. If you check the Wiki of the Nehru Gandhi family, you will find Nehru's autobiography as an origin source in almost all references.
For Example, their first reference is the blog "The Story of the Nehru Surname," which was based on Nehru's biography.
Jan 8 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
This is extremely dangerous and needs to be investigated as a priority.
The lives of so many individuals are at risk as someone has published a website for the targeted killing of all those who are voicing for Hindus and India.
1. Let me show you who all are on the List👇 2. On Page number one, they have published the names of @shalabhmani @SheetalPronamo @TajinderBagga @MrSinha_ @randomsena @ElvishYadav @ChandanSharmaG @NiteshNRane and many others as a target list for radicals and terrorists.
Dec 30, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Read this thread carefully.
1. Ravish Kumar is not an ordinary person.
A mighty family, the Rothschilds, backs him. He is very close to Amartya Sen.
Who is Amtya Sen?
He is the son-in-law of Victor Rothschild, who was a spy for the British spy agency MI6. 2. Victor Rothschild was also a member of the very powerful secret society Cambridge Apostles.
Most of the members of it are Gay!
I will write a detailed thread on it later.
Dec 28, 2024 • 33 tweets • 13 min read
Are you unhappy with the Indian monetary system or income tax system?
Let me show you the mind-blowing truth about who influences or controls our monetary system!
1. How many of you know about CITY OF LONDON?
I am not talking about 'London' city!
Read this thread now👇 2. In 1824/25, Rothschild took control of the Bank of England by supplying Gold during its crisis.
Rothschild had a monopoly in Gold mining, and they were fixing the price of the Gold from their office for the World.
Dec 27, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
Unknown history of Ex-PM Manmohan Singh.
Every Indian must be aware of this.
1. Thread 👇 2. In 1990, Manmohan Singh was in England for a secret meeting with Princess Anne(Daughter of Elizabeth II), UNDP head William Henry Draper III, Barber Conable, president of the World Bank, Jim Grant, president of UNICEF, and many other finance ministers.
Dec 24, 2024 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
1. Kejriwal is playing very smartly with the minds of Delhi's people!
Let me show you how.
He invited AAP volunteers and Paid Youtubers to one place.
And Drama begins! 2. They have picked some fine volunteers
Dec 18, 2024 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
Big Expose:
1. यह खुलासा गांधी परिवार, जॉर्ज सोरोस और डीप स्टेट के बीच चल रही साठगांठ को उजागर कर देगा। यही नहीं, यह खुलासा भारतीय राजनीति में भूचाल लाने में सक्षम है और चल रहे किसान आंदोलन की सच्चाई को सबके सामने लाने में सक्षम है।
अब चलिए, इस थ्रेड को पढ़ते हैं:
2. सबसे पहले हम विजय महाजन के बारे में बात करेंगे।
विजय महाजन कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी के मुख्य सलाहकार हैं और गांधी परिवार के निजी एनजीओ राजीव गांधी फाउंडेशन के सीईओ भी हैं।
Dec 17, 2024 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Biggest expose:
1. Gandhi Family, Soros, and the Deep State!
These explosive findings are going to change Indian politics and Farmer protests completely.
Read this explosive thread now.👇
2. Meet Vijay Mahajan.
He is Rahul Gandhi's Chief advisor and CEO of the Gandhi family's personal NGO, Rajeev Gandhi Foundation.
Dec 4, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
This is unbelievable but true!
1. NGOs and People of Rahul Gandhi's chief advisor work on policy formulation and projects with the agriculture and rural ministry!
This thread will shock you because the current government is trapped, and nobody knows it!
Read this now👇
2. Yesterday, I wrote a thread on Vijay Mahajan, Rahul Gandhi's chief advisor, CEO of the Gandhi family's private NGO, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, and founder of PRADAN and BASIX, which are funded by the CIA's arm, the Ford Foundation.
Check the pinned tweet if you missed it.
Dec 3, 2024 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
Extremely Important Thread.
The person in the red circle is one of the most powerful in Indian politics, but I bet very few people know who he is!
This Investigative thread is going to be the biggest expose of this year.
1. Read this Explosive thread now.👇 2. His name is Vijay Mahajan.
He is Rahul Gandhi's Chief advisor and CEO of the Gandhi family's personal NGO, Rajeev Gandhi Foundation.
Dec 3, 2024 • 21 tweets • 11 min read
Super Explosive investigative thread.
Exposing Deep state toolkit behind the recent attack on Adani.
When India was sleeping on November 21st, a few people were awake and waiting for the toolkit!
1. Let me show you the timeline of this toolkit. 2. At 2:20 AM IST(3:50 PM EST), CNBC wrote a story about a case against Adani in New York.
At 2:23 AM IST, within three minutes, National General Secretary of Indian Overseas Congress, Sandeep Wangala, did a tweet!
Nov 27, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Exposing the biggest fake narrative about Sambhal violence.
Please read and share this thread maximum. 1. Let's start 👇 2. SP leader Akhilesh Yadav and Owaisi claimed that the survey team took people who raised slogans that provoked violence.