Paul Waugh Profile picture
Labour and Co-Operative Parliamentary candidate for Rochdale. Proud Rochdalian and @officiallydale fan. Follow me on Facebook

Nov 1, 2021, 9 tweets

Utter chaos at security for COP26. It's not as if they couldn't plan for this is it?

It's an international embarrassment. All nationalities in this queue. #globalbritain

Thank god it ain't raining. But it's nippy.

Just noticed the *very small letters* that say "In partnership with Italy".
Something tells me Mario Draghi will be happy to own the chaos

Message from someone who works for UN, who arrived yesterday

The queue inside is moving, slowwwwly, but moving.
This thread is giving me flashbacks to yesterday.

Just chatting to some overseas delegates and they joined the queue outside at 9am.
Nearly a 90 minute wait outside.

Made it. I'm now in the little bit of Glasgow that is United Nations territory for the next 11 days (their UN badged cops actually guard the cop)

Last time I was in this building was LibDem conference 2013.
But today made any party conference delay feel like a picnic

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