ActionSA Profile picture
A party for all South Africans who love their country, hate what is being done to it & refuse to stay silent. The time for talk is over. #ItsTimeForAction

Nov 1, 2021, 8 tweets

🇿🇦 Why should you #VoteActionSA?

𝗔 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱

🌇 First, we want to make sure our inner-cities are reclaimed from criminal elements.

Inner cities should be a place where residents live, work, and play in a safe environment.

🚫 We will make Corruption Public Enemy number ONE!

"There is a special place in hell for people that steal from the poor." - @HermanMashaba

We cannot tolerate corruption at any level in govt, and those found guilty will be removed, investigated, & face the law.


@HermanMashaba 🌆 We will make it easier for you to start, and grow a small business.

We believe that small business is the engine of job creation in South Africa, and we want to make sure you have the resources available to help your fledgling business thrive.


@HermanMashaba 🚓 No city can thrive in a state of chaos.

If we want our municipalities to succeed, we need to begin building a society that respects the rule of law.

From upskilling & upscaling out metro police, to dealing with the scourge of drugs in our communities.


@HermanMashaba 📚 The days of cadres being employed into positions because of who they know, & not what they know, are over under ActionSA.

One of the first things we will do is institute a skills audit, so if you are in govt as a party-employed cadre, your days are numbered!


@HermanMashaba 🙌🏾 From insourcing exploited municipal workers, to fair & transparent housing allocations, and the extension of clinic hours, ActionSA will be unapologetically pro-poor in our delivery.

The best way to address the imbalances in our society is to serve, not steal.


@HermanMashaba ✂ The days of egregious government waste are over under ActionSA.

We will build lean and responsive government that listen, and react to residents' needs.


@HermanMashaba Under an ActionSA government, and for the first time in our democratic history, YOU, the resident, will be treated with the respect you deserve.

Today, we humbly ask that you #VoteActionSA.

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