David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Nov 1, 2021, 8 tweets

Today @mnhealth is adding data on #COVID19 reinfections for the first time. These have been tracked, but not reported as new cases because each “case” was a person, not an infection.

The upshot: ~8,000 new “cases.”

The true number of actually new cases is 2,857, not 8,184.

@mnhealth These are people who had COVID more than once.

This is distinct from people who had COVID after getting vaccinated, which is a “breakthrough infection,” not a “reinfection.”

@mnhealth Even filtering out all these backdated reinfection cases, the news today isn’t great. Our positivity rate is back over 7%, everything still trending upwards.

@mnhealth We’re seeing upticks in cases by sample date, too. This is subject to a 7-day lag, so the uptick we’re seeing now is what was happening last week, now confirmed as real and not a reporting quirk.

@mnhealth These positive test results were all noted at the time, subject to contact tracing, etc. They just weren’t categorized as new “cases” on the MDH dashboard because it was the same individual getting sick a second time.

@mnhealth Today’s new backlogged cases largely come from the 2021 waves. Not too surprising, since people had to have gotten sick before to show up here.

@mnhealth Numbers of booster shots continue to soar. They’re not just “high compared to current vax rates” any more.

@mnhealth In most of the Twin Cities metro area, 80% or more of eligible people have at least one shot:

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