Owl of Athena 🇮🇱🍌 Profile picture
They can't do it without your money; They can't do it without your compliance. #separationofeconomyandstate #amyisraelchai

Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets

A Locals member sent this to me. I find it instructive. Next time ANYONE gaslights you, whip out this THREAD 1/

2/ of a few...Read and remember this fundamental rule: when people tell you who they are, believe them.

3/ More NEA propaganda. Look at the imagery, read the stats, and ask yourself WHY? You know the answer, you just don't want to accept it.

4/ check out their list...😳

5/ It would behoove us all to notice they're bragging about their collision. Then #juatwalkway letting these people have access to your children is not exactly what I'd call "patriotic" or responsible parenting. Hate me for saying it, but what else is it? /END

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