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Journalist || Videos: || Editor of Geopolitical Economy Report (@GeopoliticaEcon) || English/español

Nov 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Here is Nicaraguan Sandinista activist Ligia Sevilla @ligiasevilla_, who was censored by Facebook

@Meta falsely claimed she's a "fake account," part of a government-run "troll farm"

Will Facebook retract its false claims and restore her account?

This is another Nicaraguan Sandinista supporter, Daniela Cienfuegos @dani100sweet, an activist in the Red de Jóvenes Comunicadores, which Facebook/Instagram suspended and falsely claimed is a gov't bot farm.

Any comment from @Meta?

And here is Nicaraguan Sandinista activist Franklin Ruiz G. @ElChequelito, whose personal account was censored by Facebook, which falsely claimed he is a government-run bot/troll.

Still no comment on this political censorship by

This is another Nicaraguan Sandinista activist, Tyler Moreno Diaz @AlexdiazTyler, who was falsely dubbed a government-run bot by Facebook and had his account suspended.

Why won't @Meta admit its "troll farm" report is totally bogus?

There are so many Sandinista activists in Nicaragua who were falsely labeled "bots" and censored by Facebook. Here is popular communicator Hayler Gaitán @QueNotaHayller, who is not a troll.

@Meta still won't comment on its false claims

This is a Nicaraguan journalist, Darling Huete @DarlingHHuete, who was falsely dubbed a "government-run troll" by Facebook and had her personal account suspended.

@Meta refuses to comment on this clearly outrageous censorship scandal

Freedom of speech is dead on social media. Twitter is now suspending Nicaraguans who posted videos debunking Facebook's lies and showing they are real.

This is coordinated censorship. FB/IG and Twitter are purging Sandinistas days before the elections

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