Robert Young Pelton Profile picture
Still Alive.

Nov 1, 2021, 6 tweets

In African war zones the "Toyota Ambulance" is the preferred troop carrier because soldiers sit inside facing each other rather than on the back of the Land Cruiser pickup version. Which can be brutal. And yes they can be used as ambulances as can pickups.…

I have put in a few thousand miles on the backs of Toyotas. Rental tip: Remember to sit up towards the cab and insist that they hose the blood out first. The armed dingleberry's show up on their own, are free of charge and will populate said hired vehicle until the axles groan.

When you are riding on a Toyota that sports a Dhiska. Remember to sit inside the cab because the other side aims for the muzzle flash. The hood becomes a popular seating area. Note the Liberian rebel camo. ©RYP

The side step is an unusual mount. Note that the man with spear hopes someday to have a Toyota from which to toss spears at his enemy from. ©RYP

There is a myth that Toyotas are invincible. Nope. I burned through two of them in my recent trip to Chad. But you can have a used engine driven in and be on your way in a few days. ©RYP

You can also pay sand bandits to drag you hundreds of miles from one remote place to the next remote place. The point is I ended up in a Toyota "Ambulance" and despite flats and getting stuck enjoyed the long wheelbase and high roof of a luxury medical war vehicle.

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