Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets

2/ The first one is at 1149

There was a dr0p at 1149 hours

Covering the same subject that PS is at the center of

And wait, look at that dr0p #


Look @ the time gap in hour/minutes


How many coincidences?

3/ Wait, it gets better

If you run look at dr0p 74, check the date


Dr0p 114 also is USMIL = savior of mankind

So we have

Drop 4110

& the original tweet that led to 4110 was close


4/ If you look at 11/4, there’s a TON of dr0ps

Movie posters

Many of which are eyes on & VIP Patri0ts

Though I find “WE WILL PROTECT THE VOTE” interesting given 2020

I’ve been toying with a thought

2020 was a trap

Maybe they’ll do this time around what they did in 2016?

5/ Also a fair amount in 1/14

These are cool but nothing clear

Times at 1:14 are interesting (the 3rd contains the image in the 4th)

6/ Then 2 (B) and 629 (FBl)


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