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Nov 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Check this out. After the carjackings started tonight, Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley commented on our FB post that the suspect vehicle was hers. She claims she made a police report, but the dispatcher clearly stated the vehicle was not listed as stolen.

Conley is a police abolitionist (pics 1 and 2).

Conley deleted the comments about her stolen vehicle in the thread before we saw them, but other followers re-pasted her comments. (pic 3).

When the carjackings started tonight, the dispatcher distinctly told police the Durango HAD NOT been reported stolen (pic 1).

After several carjackings the dispatcher updated the Durango as stolen (pic 2).

When did Conley report the vehicle stolen? During the carjackings?

We need clarity on this. When was the vehicle reported stolen @D4Commish?

To be clear, at least two different people contacted us privately about the stolen vehicle being Conley's and that it was stolen on Sunday or over the weekend.

Thank goodness for our followers. Someone had a screenshot of Angela Conley's original post about the stolen Durango from yesterday (that she deleted after the carjackings started).

The question is whether Angela Conley reported the Durango stolen immediately, or if she is responsible for nearly a dozen people being victimized because she's hellbent on being an abolitionist and didn't report it stolen to police right away.

We're being told that Sheriff Dave Hutchinson ended up getting involved somehow and that resulted in the updated dispatch about the Durango having been stolen. But that was two hours after the carjacking spree started. There are a lot of questions here. Continued...

Did Angela Conley pull favors and contact Hutch and get him involved? Who got him involved? Why would Hutchinson step into this particular series of #Mpls incidents?
When was the Durango actually reported stolen?
We still want answers.
@D4Commish @HennepinSheriff ??

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