Co-Founder, Chief Medical Officer @accomplishhlth | Obesity & Cardiometabolic Medicine | Clinical Incretinology | Healthcare Futurist

Nov 2, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ Dr. Lee Kaplan: What Does the Future of Obesity Care Look Like? #OW2021

Every time I hear Dr. Kaplan speak, I am blown away by his knowledge and perspective. He, once again, delivered a masterclass on obesity.

Point #1: We are undertreating obesity

Point #2: An active, involuntary physiological system determines body fatness at any one time. #OW2021

Point #3: All our available interventions help to readjust down the increased fat mass setpoint (in theory). #OW2021

Point #4: treatment goal => restore normal physiology. #OW2021

Point #5: Treatments are improving. #OW2021
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Point #6: understand that individual responses to treatments will follow a normal distribution. #OW2021

Point #7: Treatment needs to be patient-focused. #OW2021

Q: Is obesity an expression of normal biological variability?
A: (paraphrase) I would liken it to autoimmune disease for which we have much more. Genes prime the individual and the environment causes permanent abnormal physiological changes that result in pathology. #OW2021

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