Matthew Gertz Profile picture
Senior Fellow at @mmfa. Views expressed here my own. Husband of @alyssarosenberg. Dad. Not the GOP congressman, didn't pay for the blue check.

Nov 2, 2021, 8 tweets

**emerges from a vast sea of diapers**

It's Election Day in Virginia, so here's a thread with some relevant stuff I wrote this year about the Fox/GOP effort to make the gubernatorial election all about "critical race theory."

The right’s cynical “critical race theory” obsession breaks through in the VA gov race…

Fox News ran nearly 100 segments on “critical race theory” in Virginia school systems from March through June, nearly five hours of coverage…

Fox regularly hosted people presented as concerned parents or educators who oppose the teaching of so-called “critical race theory” in schools who also had day jobs as Republican strategists, conservative think-tankers, or right-wing media personalities…

One such frequent guest, "Loudoun County Parent" Ian Prior, has worked for the Trump DOJ, the NRCC, the Senate Leadership Fund, and American Crossroads.

Another "Fairfax County Parent" is the chair of Educators for Youngkin.…

This GOP strategy is being road-tested in Virginia. If they come away from today thinking it succeeded, expect to see it rolled out in races across the country.…

**recedes back into sea of diapers**

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