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SCOTUS and so much more @lawdorknews. / Email: / Me: Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. (He/him.) / “More like gay law dork.” - a troll

Nov 2, 2021, 6 tweets

When the Chief Justice posits that people would refer to your proposed outcome as "that crazy Supreme Court decision" IN THE MIDST OF arguments in your case, things probably aren't going well for you.

From today's very interesting First Amendment/censure/public bodies arguments in Houston Community College Sys. v. Wilson:…

Here's Kagan, following up in agreement with Roberts and questioning whether the respondent's position — arguing that the First Amendment limits his censure by a board on which he sits — works:

It got a bit more complicated than this, but also, maybe not. Here's Alito to the SG's office, which participated in the case on the Houston Community College System's side.

Also, lots of talk about Joseph McCarthy today!

And, although unnamed, it would appear that the SG's Office referenced the mask-mandate fines against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene at today's Supreme Court arguments.

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