Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Nov 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Aswaklanta temple, Assam.

Current structure built by Shiva Singha in 1720 AD.

Believed to be the place where Shri Krishna halted when he arrived to battle with Narkasur.

Aswa Klanta = Horse Halt.

Another theory - Cavalry assembled for helping Abhimanyu halted here.

(Seems a long shot)

Narkasur descendant - Bhagadutta - married his daughter to Duryodhana and fought on side of Kauravas in Mahabharata.

(He's the one on the elephant)

Narkasur is taken as the start point by many latter day Assam dynasties such as the Salstambh.

Narka Chaturdashi is for marking this battle and his death

Pic : Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York.

A large tank in Guwahati , the Dighaliphukuri, is believed to have been built by Bhagadutta.

Used as a riverine dockyard by the Ahom dynasty (was connected by a canal passing near now what is the Guwahati High Court to the Brahmaputra)

Assam Chief Minister - Charat Chandra Sinha, 1976

Narkasur was the offspring of Varaha avtaar.

Went astray in later life and hence had to be finished by Shri Krishna.

Bhagadutta, his descendant, was placed on the throne by Krishna before he left.

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