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Nov 3, 2021, 10 tweets

The menu for #COP26 delegates has come under fire for serving meat and dairy in almost 60 per cent of its dishes.

A spokesperson for @RebelsAnimal called it "like serving cigarettes at a lung cancer conference"…

A statement on the catering website for #COP26 says: “According to the WWF, we need to get [the carbon footprint of food] down below 0.5 kg CO2e [per meal] to reach the goals defined in the Paris Agreement."

So what's on the menu?…

The worst offender, according to #COP26 ratings, was... haggis.

The "haggis, neeps and tatties" dish has a carbon footprint equivalent to 3.4kg of CO2, nearly 7 times the target for the Paris climate accords.…

The full listing is "Grant's of Speyside haggis, Scottish turnip and Benzies potatoes with an Arran mustard sauce".

Haggis traditionally contains lamb and beef (often in the form of heart, lungs and other offal) oats, onions and spices.

It looks like this:

Burgers came a close second in terms of carbon footprint on the #COP26 menu.

The "Grants of Speyside beef, root vegetable and oat burger topped with cabbage, crisp slaw, shoots and burger sauce" weighs in at 3.3 kg CO2, or 3.4 with cheese.…

The caterers' "standard" beef burger would have produced 5.1kg of CO2, they said, 10 times the target needed to reach the goals of the Paris climate accords.…

Next up was beef ramen, with "organic spelt noodles, pickled root vegetables, Mara seaweed, sakura cress and rock chive".

That's 3 kg of CO2.…

Fourth was a "braised scottish venison casserole with winter vegetables, Scottish mushrooms, Benzies potatoes and herb dumplings".

The main ingredient is deer and it costs 1.7kg of CO2 to produce, the same carbon footprint as the average meal in the UK.…

And rounding out the top 5 on the #COP26 menu is the British seaside classic: fish and chips.

The carbon footprint here is 1.1 kg, lower than the average for UK meals but still above the 0.5 kg target.…

So why do so many of these dishes have such a big carbon footprint?

Beef is the main culprit as raising cows takes up a large amount of space, so is one of the main drivers of deforestation around the world

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