Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 Profile picture
Retired lawyer. Cooking & good food, books, conversation, dancing, music. Forever European. Mastodon:

Nov 3, 2021, 5 tweets

Examine the walk of shame.

The MPs who voted in support of the Leadsom Motion.

Yep. Alex Chalk (Cheltenham and Graham (Gloucester) dutifully voted as whipped.

Didn’t even have the balls to abstain…

And even if a handful of the Tory MPs who did abstain voted against it the shameful shameful motion would not have passed

Tory MPs abstainers.

They knew it was wrong but are so cowardly they would not vote on it.

Still. Interesting to see how many were against it one way or another.

This should be leveraged as they should all feel sick to their stomach.

Some cabinet ministers and chairs of select committees in there.

That’s how weak Chalk is.

Some more “no vote”

These Tory MPs voted “NO” so it is possible.

You just have to have a few vertebrae.

The YES votes in all their corruption you will have to trawl through for yourself on the link provided in the first tweet or two.

Too numerous to photo.

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