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Theology at the intersection of woke and cringe. Christchud. Subversion detector. Public meme-ologian.

Nov 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Lutheran Rev. says 1st use of the law = yes to vax mandates

"Government...[is] meant to act like a good parent would over the people of the nation. That includes the application of medicine. I would say, since we do believe that illness + death are fundamentally not good things"

Including some more setup before we get to his main argument, since it is sincere and not just a hot take.

"Doctors function kind of as civil servants. They do first use of the law stuff"

<the edits and aspect ratio change are inherent to the original vid>

"I think we should understand that the government actually has a theological right to do this...I don't think it's authoritarian to make people get a vaccine any more than it's authoritarian to make a person drive on the right side of the road."

Addressing counter-arguments, he compares people against vaccine mandates to the farmers of Luther's day who revolted against their princes because they felt entitled to unique rights because they were Christians.

Cont'd: "There is space for civic and civil disobedience...We can talk about that at another time, though, because rejecting vaccines and masks and working against the government as it tries to protect the lives of the vulnerable just isn't a defensible theological take."

"I think that we speak about vaccinations wrongly when we talk about vaccines in terms of choice. We shouldn't be viewing things in terms of choice. We should be viewing things in terms of vocation, call, duty, responsibility. So get your 💉s...for the sake of your neighbors."


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