Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Nov 3, 2021, 11 tweets

First attack on Somnath was by an Arab - Junaid Ibn Al Marri in 725 AD.

It was rebuilt by Nagabhatta II in 815 AD.

Whole article is a bunch of jokes.


According to Commies, miniature paintings and few elaborate tombs outweigh destruction of temples and wholescale conversions. 👏👏

Hindutva doesn't dwell on " Defeat of Rajputs ". Commies do.

Hindutva talks of how Rajputs resisted invasions from Mohammed Bin Qasim to Mohammad Ghori and beyond... A time span of 300 years plus.

Blah blah blah

Bhakti sants :

Dyaneshwar - Brahmin
Eknath - Brahmin
निवृत्तीनाथ - Brahmin
Sopandev - Brahmin

Namdev , bhakti sant belonging to शिंपी caste

Who are the Mlecchas here ? Brahmins I guess.

Indian converts to Islam :

Summary of Somnath invasions.

There is an example of a temple being defended by Arabs.

The Khunya Muralidhar temple was defended by Arab mercenaries against an EIC attack.

1797. Reign of Bajirao II.

Arabs also fought on side of Bajirao II at Bhima Koregaon.

Partition had unleashed rampant Islamic Sectarianism upon Pakistan


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