Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

Nov 4, 2021, 11 tweets

I don't think Sean Moon was on Scavo's buses. Mainly because he's loaded 💸 and probably had his own ride or flew there but also because I remembered I took screenshots of Scavo's (now deleted) FB live video when the buses arrived in DC and Moon is not there.

A 🧵 with photos:

They posed for a group photo. I assume not everyone on the buses is shown here but I have not seen any evidence Sean Moon was with them.

I also took screenshots of the Facebook event and of a post from Jan 4 announcing they were going to have another bus.

And some more now deleted Facebook posts. I apparently scrolled through Frank Scavo's Facebook profile at 2am on January 8 and took a bunch of screenshots of his posts and videos. At the time they were all public. Today I went through stuff I saved around Jan 6 and found these!

I also took screenshots of one of Frank Saccone's Facebook posts (idk if it's still online or deleted) and a list of Jan 6 Facebook events.

And this screenshot which is from (archive here:…) I don't believe this was related to Scavo's buses because that phone number is from the Pittsburgh area. (blocked out because PII)

If I find more I'll add to this thread.

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