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Nov 4, 2021, 7 tweets


The Sikh historical relevance to the Diwali gatherings does today get completely lost in all the fireworks, mithai giving and assimilation into some kind of mainstream fit for Diwali festivities.


Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharaj showed us not just to fight for our own liberation but the liberation of others too. The Bandhi Chhor event is key shaping up the Sikh "Diwali" significance. #BandiChhorDiwas


However, the lunar event of Diwali became a spiritual-strategic gathering for Sikhs dating back to the time of the third Sikh Guru, Guru Amar Das Ji Maharaj.


Diwali became calanderised as a mass gathering for Sikhs. Vaisakh and Diwali would have been clear recognisable mainstream calander checkpoints for Sikh Sangat at the time and helped logistically plan mass gatherings.


Later Sikhs started the tradition of deciding matters concerning the community at the biennial meetings which took place at Amritsar on the first of Vaisakh and at Diwali. These assemblies were known as the Sarbat Khalsa and a resolution passed by it became a Gurmata.


The Shaheedi of Sikh scholar/strategist Bhai Mani Singh is also associated with the Diwali gathering, the tax levy was the excuse used by the Governor of Punjab to execute Bhai Mani Singh. The gruesome execution of Bhai Mani Singh gave further momentum to the Khalsa struggle

All the above shaped up the campaigns that led to the freedom and eventual successes in establishing the Khalsa influence in the region.


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