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OEF Vet. Economic musings. Blue collar labor advocate. Not politically aligned with any party or candidate. Tweets/RTs/Likes for my own amusement & cataloguing.

Nov 4, 2021, 9 tweets

OSHA showing up for unannounced Vax compliance enforcement

OSHA hiring more Enforcers.

OSHA’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy Template for Employers


Business idea for lawyers: Offer business clients a small flat fee package of religious exemption & reasonable accommodation forms.

Small businesses/very small businesses won’t be exempted.

Most small businesses can’t afford to pay $136,500 in fines.

OSHA doesn’t want employers to record vaccine side effects or serious adverse effects because this info may discourage others.

They don’t want you to make informed decisions, just comply. Right there on the website osha.gov/coronavirus/fa…

Stay tuned.

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