Wuhan DOGE Swan Profile picture
OEF Vet. Economic musings. Blue collar labor advocate. Not politically aligned with any party or candidate. Tweets/RTs/Likes for my own amusement & cataloguing.
2 subscribers
Aug 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
On January 6 2017 the group Democracy Spring tried to disrupt the electoral collage vote, pressuring members of Congress to votes against Trump, and interrupted the vote count inside the Capitol.

Three protestors were arrested inside the Capitol building. A $50 fine was all they received.

Read more. cc: @shipwreckedcrew
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Meet Jordan Stockdale the Chief Of Staff for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg

Liking tweets saying Trump should be impeached, removed from office & prevented from taking office again. Witch-hunt top to bottom inside Manhattan DA
Nov 12, 2022 34 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: How deep exactly was Anthony Scaramucci involved with #FTX? Mooch’s Twitter account leaves a long and intimate trail of his meetings, interactions, and promotions of FTX & Sam. $FTT

Let’s begin 👇
Oct 31, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
As AG Josh Shapiro accepted plea deals of two friars who allowed a member to sexually abuse over 100 children over a period of many years at a Catholic high school in Johnstown

Only probation & $1k fine. Shapiro enables pedophiles & groomers
wgal.com/article/2-form… #pennsylvania
May 21, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Wuhan Institute of Virology experimentation on using yeast as a highly efficient assembly/carrier of #Monkeypox virus

Check the dates
sciencedirect.com/science/articl…! Neato
May 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Yo these MFers just released an Oncolytic Strain of Monkeypox into the world to try to cure cancer ^allegedly
Jan 9, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Weird bc this article published in Nature Human Behavior in Apr 2020 spells out exactly how to exploit crowd psychology & herding behavior to accomplish Covid agenda.

Have you tried these, experts who created blueprint for Covid #MassFormationPsychosis?
nature.com/articles/s4156… The plot thickens — one of Reuters “experts” is the author of this exact article and is gaslighting on Twitter saying this is all a conspiracy theory

Meet Jay:

Nov 4, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
OSHA showing up for unannounced Vax compliance enforcement OSHA hiring more Enforcers.
Oct 16, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: is #Amazon evading government contractor vaccine mandates?

Whether you are anti-mandate or pro-mandate this is an important question — Either Amazon is refusing to comply with the mandate, or many other businesses (included airlines) shouldn’t be part of mandate. $AMZN Airlines are claiming ALL their employees are subject to mandate because they have a few govt contracts.

Guess what, so does #Amazon. Amazon AWS has a massive cloud contract as well is a major supplier to government micro purchases of various supplies.
Oct 15, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
The official narrative is already shifting from “transitory” to “inflation is good.”

The poor are getting crushed while the 1% get substantially rich through asset appreciation. Pure evil. Inflation Disproportionately Hurts the Poor

Those acting in the name of ‘economic justice’ need to pay more attention to basic economic indicators.

Oct 13, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Glad you asked. Here’s what is going on with this article & most financial media (propaganda for the masses).

No matter what the threat — Evergrande, Lehman, giant meteor, etc the crowd has to be reassured, or lied to that everything will be ok. Markets are psychological. (cont) The media doesn’t exist to inform you, but to herd you. Wall Street doesn’t exist to make you money, but to make money off of you.

In a Ponzi scheme everything works until it doesn’t. Music stops. Game over.

Remember “Subprime is contained”? That’s what’s going on. The big lie.
Oct 12, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Southwest Airlines CEO cites worker “absenteeism” says there’s “no evidence” that crew shortages are related to vaccine “sickouts”. Seems like some credible tweets suggest otherwise. Does this qualify as “some evidence” or not?

#Southwest $LUV #FreedomFlu Today on CNBC #Southwest CEO cited the company is about “back to normal”. Meanwhile 400 flights have been canceled today???
Oct 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Xi Jinping will deliver an important speech this Saturday emphasizing reunification and resolutely opposing external forces' interference in the Taiwan Strait and opposition to Taiwan independence

udn.com/news/amp/story… $spx $spy $nq $qqq $vix #taiwan #taipei #ccp *Rough translation