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Political Analyst, Most overrated threader on twitter, Citizen of the Universe, Normally spell it: emperor

Nov 4, 2021, 5 tweets

Breaking: MP who campaigned for a year to leave the EU and stay in the Single Market before saying we have to leave the Single Market "and it doesn't exist anyway", has resigned after complaining that the integrity he "holds very dear" had been questioned.

Owen Paterson, seen here complaining about the levels of pesticides set in water had recently been found guilty by the House of Commons Committee on standads.

Paterson claims it was vital to introduce the technology of the company that was paying him money to find substances which had levels "too low for other current testing technologies to detect".

Critics argue that maybe he was pushing a single supplier forward at the time.

Can't wait for the EU to become a country by 2025. It's all out in the open apparently, which is weird because it's nearly 2022 and I've not seen a word.

They are leaving this very late...

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