Co-Founder, Chief Medical Officer @accomplishhlth | Obesity & Cardiometabolic Medicine | Clinical Incretinology | Healthcare Futurist

Nov 4, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ It is no surprise that Semaglutide is the bell of the pharmacotherapy ball. Let's review some key takeaways from the STEP trials to understand why SEMA 2.4 mg is so exciting.
*credit to Dr. Wadden. #OW2021


2/ Intervention: Intensive Behavioral Therapy + Low Calorie Diet +/- SEMA 2.4 mg #OW2021

Control arm: IBT + LCD lost ~6% BW.
Experimental arm: IBT/LCD/SEMA 2.4 lost 16% BW. #OW2021

4/ Weight loss is comparable with SEMA 2.4 mg regardless of whether patients receives intensive behavioral therapy/LCD or not.
‼️ The implication is that SEMA 2.4 mg is doing the heavy lifting in normalizing physiology to promote weight loss. #OW2021

5/ So, how does SEMA 2.4 mg compare to other FDA-approved treatments for obesity? #OW2021

6/ Major Lessons from the STEP trial:
❗️ SEMA 2.4 mg promotes clinically significant placebo-subtracted weight loss
‼️ Many CVD risk factors improved, ongoing CVOT (SELECT trial)
❗️‼️ <5% discontinuation due to GI side effects, rare pancreatitis and cholelithiasis #OW2021

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