Drew Holden Profile picture
Managing editor at @AmerCompass, @Commonplc. Link to my Substack about the media, @Holden_Court, is below. Maker of 🧵threads🧵

Nov 4, 2021, 12 tweets

Quick🧵 of the greatest hits of the Steel dossier truthers, starting with this gem from @maddow & Comey

Maybe @maddow can get Comey and ol Jim Clapper on to revisit this?

Will @JaneMayerNYer and @NewYorker revisit their coverage on this one?

Never change, @JRubinBlogger. Even for her this is a hall of famer.

and @MaxBoot is never far behind Rubin where Russian conspiracy theories go.

I couldn’t imagine why anyone would criticize Christopher Steele either, @JoyAnnReid

@MSNBC probably worked harder to push the Steele dossier than any outlet has ever worked to promote disinformation.

Or maybe the dossier has always been BS, @jonathanchait

Maybe today is a good day to follow up with Steele again, @brianstelter.

This one from @tribelaw presented without comment.

This debacle was one of the most profound, impactful media failures since the Iraq War and we aren’t going to hear a word of introspection or self-criticism over the whole affair

More here for those who haven’t seen it, back when the dossier first imploded.

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