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Nov 4, 2021, 8 tweets

.@Isabella_Gomez, who returns to screens today with @hbomax’s #HeadOfTheClass, spoke to Variety about her latest project, what she learned from #OneDayAtATime star @TheRitaMoreno and why #HannahMontana is her dream reboot project.

“I didn’t feel like, ‘Oh, I’m doing another reboot’” @Isabella_Gomez says of #HeadOfTheClass. “Right now, we need so much joy and so much laughter after the couple of years we’ve had as humans that I was really excited to sign on board.”

On #ODAAT, Gomez starred as a high school student. As Alicia Gomez on #HeadOfTheClass, she stands on the other side of the lectern: “I was like, ‘Really, they want me to play the teacher?’ … It was also just fun in that I have a baby face.”

“I was very lucky to work with @JustinaMachado and @TheRitaMoreno for such a long time that I feel like I got really used to seeing them lead and seeing them come into a room,” says @Isabella_Gomez. “So I tried my best to emulate that.”

Gomez’s #HeadOfTheClass character “was Alicia Adams before she was Alicia Gomez,” says the actor. “The creative team really went in and auditioned people and just wanted to get whoever was the best for the role.”

“We got to make her Colombian like myself,” @Isabella_Gomez says of her #HeadOfTheClass character. “I love that Alicia is a Latina educator. She’s just a teacher and happens to be Latina.”

.@Isabella_Gomez’s dream reboot project? She says #HannahMontana.

“It’d be really cool to make it now, especially with social media being such a big thing & seeing how a character would handle being a celebrity & a regular person.”

Read @davidviramontes' full interview with the #HeadOfTheClass star

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