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#HARRIS2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #FakeAssassinationAttempt #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Nov 4, 2021, 18 tweets

He wants people to be nice to a TRAITOR?! Get over yourself, you big, whiny crybaby! He'd better get used to it. He's hated and that's not about to change, anytime soon.

"Mommy, Koch brothers foot my bill and nobody on my team will play with me"🙄

Just wait until the movies come out

"Why are people being so mean to me!?"

He stays on a YACHT and voted against raise increase.
What party is that? Did anyone in his state know they were electing a FRAUD?

"Why is it so damn "hostile" in the Senate?"

I have the best Manchin meme and it won't let me Tweet it (((

Who is your choice to play Traitor Joe on the big screen?
Of course, George Clooney is the first choice for every male role (drool) but I'll go with Russel Crowe.

Emerson Fake & Palmer

"Why don't people like me at work?"

Joe..Joe... Joe, please stop this nonsense..

His daughter and son are millionaires

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