Crabada (🦀,🦀) 🔺 Profile picture
Inactive | No longer in development |

Nov 5, 2021, 13 tweets

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Crabada's idle-game will be launching on #Avalanche this coming 15 Nov! 🚀

The idle-game phase will serve as an Open Beta release, allowing players to catch a glimpse into the Kingdom of Crabada as a prelude to its exciting roadmap ahead.


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Game Features 🎮
1. Mining Expeditions ⛏️
2. Looting Missions 🥷💰
3. Lending and Hiring Tavern ⚔️
4. Breeding Crabada 🥚
5. Crabada Marketplace 📈
6. Dates & Schedule 📅
7. Official Links 🌐


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Mining Expedition ⛏️

Players form a team of 3 Crabada. Once deployed to a vacant mine, the hardworking Crabada will begin mining treasure.

Mining Expeditions take 4 hours, and return a reward of 3.75 CRA and 303.75 TUS once completed.

Beware of Looters 👇

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Mining Expedition rewards example scenarios:

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Looting Missions 🥷💰

Players form a team of 3 Crabada. They can deploy their Crabada to steal from an occupied mine.

Looting Missions take from 1 to 2.5 hours. A successful Looting Mission would result in stealing 65% of the rewards (2.4375 CRA and 197.4375 TUS).

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Looting Mission rewards example scenarios:

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Reinforcements & Mechanics

When a Mining Party is attacked, both Mining and Looting parties will have the opportunity to add up to two additional Crabada to join the battle (5 Crabada per team).

The winner is determined by the highest total Battle Points of each party.

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Lending and Hiring Tavern ⚔️

Players that do not have available Crabada for reinforcement can visit the Tavern to hire mercenaries.

Players that have idle Crabada can deploy them to the Tavern. These Crabada will be added to the pool of available Crabada-for-hire.

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Breeding Crabada 🥚

The Crabada are descendants of powerful warriors, each with unique strengths and abilities which are inherited through breeding.

Players are required to have two Crabada, and a sufficient amount of CRA and TUS to begin the breeding process.

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Crabada Marketplace 📈

Players will be able to buy and sell Crabada. The Marketplace will support decentralized trading of the Crabada for both avid players and collectors alike.

The native currency used for Marketplace transactions will be TUS (Treasure Under Sea).

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Dates & Schedule 📅

✨Avalaunch IDO (8 Nov, 6 AM UTC)
✨Whitelist Allocation Sales (10 Nov, 12 PM UTC)
✨Public Sales (11 Nov, 12 PM UTC)

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Dates & Schedule 📅

✨DEX Listing for CRA and TUS on Trader Joe (13 Nov, Between 10 AM-12 PM UTC)
✨CRA Token release (13 Nov, 12 PM UTC)
✨Marketplace (13 Nov, 2 PM UTC)
✨Special Breeding Event (13 Nov, 3 PM UTC)

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Are you ready for the #Crabalanche? 🦀🔺

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